While this weeks blog is not about preserving a building or other historic structure, it is about preserving and respecting dieing American traditions. Being in the preservation field, I strongly believe that preservation goes way beyond restoring wood and brick. We want to preserve the story, the history, the culture, the traditions. So when I was asked to attend an Ancient Native American Church Meeting (ANAC), I was incredibly honored.
My brother Phil is a Jesuit Priest on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. He dedicates his life to living in solidarity with those around him. He aims to see life conditions improve, and tries to bring Jesus' message of peace and love to all those he meets. It's a tough job, but he was clearly born to do this. You can see more of where he lives and what he does here: http://www.redcloudschool.org/
Personally, I have always had great affinity for America's Native Peoples. So I am especially interested in Phil's life and life 'on the rez'. When he called me and told me he was holding an Ancient Native American Church Meeting and he wanted me to come, I can't even begin to tell you how honored and excited I was. Being your typical white person, I couldn't just stop by a church meeting. This is a very sacred event that you must be welcomed into, and there was no way I was going to miss this opportunity. This is something I have wanted to experience since I was in high school, and here it was!
Let me first explain a little about ANAC. For thousands of years many different Native tribes have been using peyote as medicine in spiritual ceremonies. The peyote enhances their communion and communication with the spirit world. Different tribes have varying practices, but there are a few main similarities. The meeting usually begins at night, and it lasts until sunrise the next morning, ending with a communal breakfast. There's lots of singing, drumming, praying, and rituals. It is always a very sacred event.
I rolled onto the rez about 5pm. Because my brother was the one holding the meeting, I was fortunate to see some of the preparation that evening. He had apparently been working on this for some time- holding a meeting takes a lot of work. There are so many rituals and proper things you need, way beyond what I could describe to you here. That day, Phil had been up since sunrise so that he could set up the tipi in the correct spot for the morning sun. He had been preparing food, gifts, and other tools the entire day. I got there in time to help set up the alter inside the tipi. I also helped pick some sage- an important element during the meeting.
Around 9pm or so Phil got most everything together and prepared for the evening ahead.

Around 10pm we entered the tipi. There were about 16 or so participants. We walked in single file from left to right, circling the inside until we found our seat on the ground. From this point on I will do my best to explain what happened, but really, I'm not totally sure myself. There were so many rituals involving tobacco, water, sage, drumming, prayers, fire, etc., I missed a lot simply because I'm not privy to the meaning.

There were some initial prayers and singing. I settled down into a deep calm. I was grateful for a very clear and peaceful mind that night. I was completely ready to absorb and participate in the healing and powerful energy ahead. With some rolled tobacco I set my intentions for the night. After some more praying and singing, the first round of the peyote was passed around. The number four has significant meaning for the Lakota people, and most things are done in fours. So when you receive the medicine, you are supposed to take four spoonfuls. Here's my brother eating his medicine on the first round:

Peyote is known to be a not so tasty plant. It was bitter, but I didn't think it was that bad. I took four small spoonfuls because I feared over ingesting could lead to a very paranoid mind. Everyone ate out of the same bowl, and washed it down with the same cup of water. I enjoyed this communion. There was a great connection between all of us inside the tipi, singing with each other, and praying with each other.

More singing, drumming and praying occurred, along with more rituals of which I didn't understand. This was kind of cool though, the mystery of what was being done was ok, it allowed me to make my own interpretations. From the energy in the room though, it was clearly all good, all positive, and all healing.
Another round of the peyote came fairly quick. By this time I was getting a bit sleepy, so I wasn't sure how much more I should take. I again took four small spoonfuls. This time it tasted a little bit worse, but still not that bad. A little while later, with more singing and drumming, I was getting VERY sleepy. It became more and more difficult just to stay seated. This was a disappointment. I didn't want to be sleepy, I wanted to be fully alert and participate in the meeting. I held on as best as I could for a few more hours. The singing was really incredible, and the drumming was mesmerizing. I was impressed by the native tunes my white brother could belt out:

By this time I resigned to keeping my head down and simply trying to absorb all that was going on around me. I was way to tired to actively participate, but I allowed the pure energy in the room just to cover me. Usually peyote has a stimulating effect, like that of epinephrine. Apparently not for me. I was told to eat more, maybe I just hadn't eaten enough. So on round three, I took some heaping spoonfuls! I was going all in this time. And let me tell you, this time it tasted awful! They aren't kidding when they say it tastes bad. Peyote is also infamous for making you nauseated, or even make you vomit. So by round three, the sight of the medicine is fairly nauseating in itself.
Around this time my brother was called to the alter. I'm not sure what he was doing, but I imagine he was getting some kind of blessing by the leader of the meeting.

This was pretty cool. As if it wasn't enough of an honor just to be there, but to see my very own brother that close and connected with the people, it was really awesome to see. I felt like an overly proud sister at that point.
On the other hand, those big spoonfuls on the last round really knocked me out. I'm not sure if I blacked out, or dozed, or what. I basically sat there, head on knees, for a few hours, doing everything in my power to maintain consciousness. Obviously I took too much, and this peyote for some reason had an opposite effect on me. Still, I sat there and absorbed as much as I could, and it was still so incredible.
I held on all night, making it to dawn. When the sun was up, the light shown brilliantly on the meeting leader when the tipi door was opened. This was an incredible moment- praying all night in the dark and being blessed by the rising sun. In the morning, a lot of rituals were carried out- I wish I knew enough to explain them. What I did understand however, was the blessing of the food and water. It's traditional for beef, corn, and cherries to be brought into the tipi in the morning. A lot of prayers were shared, and blessing of the food and water was completed. Bowls of the food were passed around, customary to eat straight out of the bowl before taking a plateful for yourself. Again I relished with this communion. I didn't think I could eat a thing, but once I started in on those cherries and buttery corn, wow that was some good food!
After nourishing our bodies and giving thanks for all these gifts, my brother passed around gifts of his own. There was so much work that went into this night, from the fire-man keeping the flames burning all night, to the door man making sure the door was in proper placement, to the water women who brought in the nourishing water in the morning, to the drummer who drummed for each and every song, to the leader who facilitated the entire meeting. They all deserved special thanks, the meeting would not have been possible without any of them.
After this we exited the tipi and began to take it down. To have final completion of the night, we needed to disassemble the tipi and take down the alter.

Now it was complete. In the early morning we all sat around and chatted for a while. The mood was light and fun. It was great to chat with these people that I hardly knew, yet just spent a very intense and special night with. Even though I didn't know them, I was very connected to them. We sat a while longer and had second breakfast. Then my brother did some final blessings.

The night was over. I'm not going to lie, it was difficult. Difficult to stay awake mainly. But it was so worth it. To see an ancient tradition played out before your very eyes, and to participate in it, was so incredible. It was almost surreal. I am very grateful for such an amazing experience. I have so much respect for all the people that participated. The incredible energy and prayers that were sent to the universe this night, has no doubt made this a more peaceful and happy world.
A special thanks goes to my brother Phil, all those that helped him prepare for this meeting and all those present this night. Thank you for sharing your time and prayers with me, I am honored!
hi- good essay. to note: leave off the A (ncient)
ReplyDeleteJust NAC: The Native American Church.
if you'd like some music, i'll mail u some mp3s
of peyote songs. skipdrum@gmail.com is me.
blessings, TH
Your really not supposed to take pictures during this ceremony and talk about it. Might have been awesome but that's something for You to experience, not everyone else. Alot of tradish people would tell you in the beginning that there shall be no recording or pictures taken. Unless it was outside, with the roadmans consent.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Anonymous. I was sure to get consent from the parties involved in this ceremony! They did allow me to take pictures and write about it.